The Bursar

Mr. D.A. Upali Dharmadasa
Telephone : +(94) 037 2283168
Email :
As the Chief Finance Officer of the University Bursar is responsible for developing and implementing sound accounting and budgetary control systems and providing timely information to the Council and other stakeholders, in keeping with transparency and accountability.
As the custodian of the funds of the University Bursar is responsible to receive all monies paid into the University and to make all payments with proper authorization. The University fund is comprised with internally generated monies and grants received form the Consolidated fund, to meet Recurrent and Capital expenditure. As those are public funds it is the responsibility of the management to utilize those monies effective and efficient manner to ensure the best interest of the public.
Office of the Bursar
About Financial Administration Section of Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
Financial Administration Division handles all the financial matters related to university activities including preparation of Annual Estimates, Annual Budgets, Financial Statements, receiving monies, making payments and procurering goods to meet the goals and objectives of the University.
This Division comprised with the Bursar, 03 Deputy Bursars ( DB ), 01 Senior Assistant Bursar ( SAB ) and 04 Assistant Bursars ( AB ). With their supporting staff they provide their service for more than thousands of stakeholders for a month which comprises students, staff and external parties.
Divisions of the Financial Administration Section
- Payment Division – Kuliyapitiya
- Supplies Division
- Accounts and Capital Payment Division
- Salaries and Loans Division
- Finance Division – Makandura Premises
- Finance Division – Labuyaya Premises
Delegation of Authority for Financial Control under FR 135 for the year 2024