The Internal Quality Assurance Unit (IQAU) has formulated Academic Quality Enhancement Framework (AQEF) to reflect the work on enhancement which is already taking place within the University. This document describes in detail the main policies, procedures and guidance relating to quality assurance and academic standards.
The board purpose of Academic Quality Enhancement Framework (AQEF) is to;
- enable the effective and efficient monitoring of academic standards and the quality of the student experience in relation to internal and external requirements (such as those stated in the University Grants Commission Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council’s Quality Framework and from accrediting professional, statutory and regulatory bodies);
- ensure consistency whilst enabling and acknowledging diverse practices in different disciplines;
- provide a mechanism for critical review and, highlight and promote good practice across the University.
The AQEF provides an overview of our quality processes and their inter-relationships, brief summary information about the processes and further links to full statements of the processes and procedures.
The AQEF is underpinned by the following general principles.
- The continuous improvement of the student experience is at the core of the quality assurance and enhancement activity.
- Engagement of staff in Quality Assurance: The quality and commitment of staff are critical to maintaining and enhancing the high quality of learning & teaching. The University fully recognises that all staff, both academic and support, take a personal responsibility for the quality of their contribution to the student learning experience, research and outreach in their disciplines.
- Engagement of students in Quality Assurance: The University is committed to providing a high quality learning experience. The direct contribution that students make to this, through providing feedback, advice and suggestions, is critical. Input from students is a key feature of all our quality enhancement and assurance processes. Therefore, we need students to give us the students’ perspective.