Institutional Review
Wayamba University had its institutional review in 2011.
University has submitted its for the institutional review, which will take place in October 2018.
Programme Review
All sixteen Departments of Study were evaluated for the subjects that they offer in the degree programmes. Subject Review (SR) evaluated the quality of education within a department of study. It focused on the quality of the student learning experience and on student achievement under 8 aspects.
From 2016, SR process has been replaced with Programme Review. Programme review evaluates the effectiveness of Faculty’s or Institute’s processes for managing and assuring quality of study programmes, student learning experience and standards of awards within a programme of study. It is about management and assurance of quality at programme level.
The focus of the programme review has been captured in the eight criteria listed below;
- Programme Management
- Programme Design and Development
- Human and Physical Resources
- Course/Module Design and Development
- Teaching and Learning
- Learning Environment, Student Support and Progression
- Student Assessment and Awards
- Innovative and Healthy Practices