About the DBFS
Today, the banking and financial sector is flourishing in our country and requires more employees and professionals to meet the demand. Having identified the expected qualities and competencies required for the financial sector, Department of Banking and Finance, the pioneer in banking and finance education provider in Sri Lanka has designed its external programmes to cope up with the challenge. The Department of Banking and Finance, proudly presents the Diploma in Banking and Financial Studies programme in line with the above objective.
The programme facilitates learning in theory and practices to improve skills in advanced areas of economics, banking and finance and equip the students with an integrated approach to managerial skills. The course units are designed in such a manner to develop analytical, problem solving and decision making abilities, awareness of domestic and international economics and financial environment. The successful completion of Diploma allows candidates to develop a learning programme that reflects their personal circumstances or career aspirations.
Offered By
Department of Banking and Finance
Faculty of Business Studies and Finance
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka