Introduction of the Programme

Due to the essential need of the skills development training programmes for the industry practitioners, this Higher Diploma programme has been designed for the construction supervisors / technical officers / Engineering Assistants who directly apply the practices on construction operations. The programme clearly specifies the competencies, knowledge and attitudes required by the construction industry for improving the efficiency, quality, performance and productivity of the workforce.


Implications of the Programme

The HDCPM programme is expected to make an effective contribution for the economic and social development of the country through making provision for a nationally consistent, technical and vocational education and training. It includes effective and innovative practices for the productivity improvement in the industry through proactive education and training strategies. The outcomes of this Higher Diploma programme is expected to be highly contributing to the construction industry sector for upgrading their current practices with the direct concept of productivity and performance improvement.


Why is this Higher Diploma significance for the Sri Lankan construction sector?

The HDCPM is willing to be an ideal programme for the Sri Lankan construction sector. The programme meets the industry needs and expectations, and includes effective and innovative practices for the productivity improvement in the industry through proactive education and training strategies. It clearly specifies the competencies, knowledge and attitudes of the construction industry practitioners.  The curriculum of this Higher Diploma programme was systematically developed by the experts through an extensive investigation conducted in the Sri Lankan construction industry with the direct scope of improving the performance and productivity of the construction workforce. The HDCPM includes outcome-based teaching, learning and assessments with relevant quality assurance practices. The academic activities of this programme will be delivered by the university lecturers and qualified engineering experts from the industry. The significance of this academic programme is the inclusion of independent project studies on performance and productivity improvement practices through the applications of work-based training components within a systematic framework.



Kuliyapitiya Premises

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