Wayamba University being the highest level educational institute and the only state university in the North Western province is in a strong position to provide Computer Science courses that provide quality education to learners coming from different educational backgrounds.
The Department of CMIS is in the view that introducing a Higher Diploma adhering to the latest SLQF standards would open a progressive educational avenue to address such educational needs, while providing an opportunity to advance the academic qualifications already provided by other related diploma programmes of the University and elsewhere. The Department is also in the process of developing an external degree programme progressively, to provide completeness to the external academic qualification path as well as to provide comprehensive graduate level education to the suitable general public at a reasonable cost.
The Higher Diploma in Software Engineering (HDSE) ensures that participants will have comprehensive skills in systematic designing and development of software applications. Essential skills and techniques are taught and practiced to perfection in a creative atmosphere with a strong emphasis on Software Engineering concepts.
Visit the Department of Computing & Information Systems webpage for latest information.