About us
Landscape Division establish and maintain the art and vocation of keeping a landscape healthy, clean, safe and attractive, typically in all University premises. Using tools, supplies, knowledge, physical exertion and skills, our team may plan or carry out annual plantings and harvesting, periodic weeding and fertilizing, other gardening, lawn care, driveway and path maintenance,shrub pruning, topiary, runoff drainage, decorations, and other jobs for protecting and improving the topsoil, plants, and garden accessories.
Contact us now
Call us for any query
+94 372281091
+94 776518444
or email us
Our Staff

Mr. D.H.B.R. Dassanayake
CuratorM.Sc in Floriculture &Landscape Architecture
B.Sc in Agriculture Technology & Management
Telephone:+(94) 077 6518444; 076 6450944
Email:curator@wyb.ac.lk, buddhi@wyb.ac.lk
Kuliyapitiya Premises

Mr. M.A.N.J. Manchanayake
Supervisor (Landscape)Diploma in Agriculture Technology
Telephone:+(94) 076 8313157; 076 6447457

Mr. O.M. Safan
Works AidTelephone:+(94) 077 3958233; 077 5633534

Mr. H.A.A. Perera
Works AidTelephone:+(94) 076 6531344

Mr. W.M.A.K. Wanninayake
Works AidTelephone:+(94) 076 5683448; 071 7031212

Mr. K.A.M.R.W. Jayawardana
Works AidTelephone:+(94) 076 0413743

Miss. S.M.T.M. Subhasinghe
Contract LabourerCertificate in Landscaping for Junior Supervisors (NVQ Level 4)
Telephone:+(94) 071 2378258
Makandura Premises

Mr. N.A.T. Madhusanka
Supervisor (Landscape)National Certificate in Agriculture Field Assistant
Telephone:+(94) 076 9483724, 071 9330857
Email: thilinamadhusanka@wyb.ac.lk

Mr. W.A. Tharindu Keerthisiri
Works AidTelephone:+(94) 076 4935517
Labuyaya Premises

Mr. R.B.S.W.M.B.A. Kelegama
Supervisor (Landscape)National Certificate in Agriculture
Telephone:+(94) 071 8744220

Mr. G.P. Jayarathna
Contract LabourerDiploma in Floriculture and Landscape Gardening Technology
Telephone:+(94) 077 9913438

Mr. S.R.M.A.C. Pradeep
Contract LabourerDiploma in Floriculture and Landscape Gardening Technology
Telephone:+(94) 077 3858103