About us
The Non-Academic Establishments Division takes action on Human Resource Management of Non-academic, Non-administrative staff members who work in the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. The main task of the Division is to supply the services which are relevant with all our staff requests efficiently and giving them the highest satisfaction to upgrade the professional and personal skills.
The main function of the Non-Academic Establishments Division is the recruitment of qualified staff and retain them in the service in line with the corporate goals of the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. The Human Resource procedures include, but are not limited to, staff employment, leave administration, discipline and termination of employment and personnel records administration. The Non-Academic Establishments Division is responsible for the implementation of all such procedures on an equitable basis without any discrimination.
This Division maintains a close working relationship with all Non-Academic staff and strives to ensure that they have a clear understanding as to how Human Resources policies and procedures are implemented at the University.
Contact us now
Call us for any query
Deputy Registrar
Direct Telephone No: +94 372284773
Fax No: +94 372284773
University General Telephone
+94 372281412 +94 372281414 +94 372283614
or email us
Our Staff

Mrs. D.M.K.G. Niroshini
Deputy RegistrarB.Sc. Hons (Peradeniya)
Master of Food Science & Technology, PGIS, (Peradeniya)
Master of Business Administration, (WUSL)
Telephone:+(94) 076 644 8930; 071 807 6225

Mrs. B.A. Nimanthi
STAFF MANAGEMENT ASSISTANTMaintaining the personal files of Employees in Primary Level Grades (U-PL Grades)

Mr. R.A.T.I. Ranaweera
MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT Gr. IMaintaining the personal files of staff in temporary basis (Non-Academic, Non-Administrative Grades)
Management of Cadre – Non-Academic, Non-Administrative Grades
Issuing of Staff Identity Cards for Non-Academic, Non-Administrative Staff
Handling University Insurance Scheme

Mr. K.C. Somarathne
MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT GR. IIIAll matters relating to Leave and Attendance of Non-Academic, Non-Administrative Staff

Mrs. Y.M.K.S. Yapa
MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT GR. IIIMaintaining the personal files of Employees in Secondary Level Grades (U-MN Grades)

Mr. B.A.G.M. Rathnayaka
WORKS AIDE GR. IIIEmail:gayanr@wyb.ac.lk