We the IEEE WIE student branch affinity group of the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Faculty of Applied Sciences were able to conduct a free O/L mathematics quick revision program successfully from 20th to 24th January 2021 for the students who sat for the Ordinary Level examination 2020, as the first program for the year 2021.
The reason behind why we organized such a program was, we examined that many students, school children face a lot of difficulties in their studies, because of this pandemic we all withstand. Therefore we consider conducting an online revision program for those students who met the difficulties due to the current situation of the country.
We were able to gather nearly around hundred students for our discussion. We registered students through a Google form. On the first three days (20th, 21st and 22nd) we gave three Mathematics papers composed by considering the past papers, model papers and provincial and zonal papers. In a small time period our organizing team was able to prepare and finalize three question papers and the marking schemes for each paper. On 23th and 24th we had our paper discussion through the zoom platform. Both the discussion days were a success with good participation, students raised their questions and the clarifications they needed. The panel discussion was able to clarify almost all the questions raised, so it was a great success and the participants were so much grateful for our commitment to them.
This was our first step for the year and, we, as the IEEE WIE members of the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, are hoping to organize these kinds of valuable and worthy programs in the near future.