The AHEAD operation is organized in two components. The first is a Program Component that supports the national Higher Education Development Program. The second is a systems strengthening, capacity building and technical assistance component that will assist GoSL to strengthen the higher education sector and achieve the objectives of the AHEAD program component. This second will also cover monitoring and evaluation, policy analyses, program Coordination and communication.
The implementing agency is the Ministry of Higher Education and Highways (MHEH). The University Grants Commission (UGC) will coordinate the activities of the universities. There will be an Operations Monitoring and Support Team (OMST) which will coordinate and support all AHEAD activities between the MHEH, UGC, and the universities.
AHEAD has three Results Areas:
Results Area 1: Increasing Enrollment in Priority Disciplines for Economic Development
Results Area 2: Improving the Quality of Higher Education
Results Area 3: Promoting Research, Development and Innovation
2. Structure of OTS
^These are part-time positions. Each ELTA-ELSE and DOR and RIC Project will have a Project-Coordinator.
*These are part-time positions: Internal advertisement followed by an interview can be used to fill these positions at Universities.
** The payments for this position will be allocated to the team working on each relevant task, as per the formula communicated later
*** These are part-time positions: ELTA-ELSE projects can have up to a maximum of 4 activity coordinators for Faculty Development Projects and up to a maximum of 2 activity coordinators for Department/Unit Development Projects.
**** These are part-time positions: each DOR and RIC and ICE project can have up to a maximum of one Deputy Coordinator