The Registrar

Mr. W. A. Don Chithrananda
Higher Diploma in Business Management
B.A. Hons. (Peradeniya)
Master of Public Management (SLIDA), MCPM
Mobile : +(94) 076 5393329; +(94) 070 2601007
Office : +(94) 037 2283165 Fax No. : 037 2284663
Extension No : 11200
E mail :,
Office of the Registrar
The Registrar is responsible for the general administration of the University and the disciplinary control of the non-academic staff of the University subject to the direction and control of the Vice-Chancellor. He is the ex-officio Secretory of the Council and the Senate.
The Registrar is full time officer of the University and shall exercise, perform and discharge such powers, duties and functions as may be conferred or assigned to him by the University act or by any appropriate instrument. He is responsible for the custody of the records and the property of the University. He is the Assistant Accounting officer of the University.
Secretarial, technical and other assistance and support is extended by the staff of the Office of the Registrar to carry out the duties in all these roles for the maximum benefit for all concerned. All aspects of teaching and learning, research, outreach activities, welfare, discipline, entrepreneurship, career guidance etc. of all students and staff are carried out under the guidance of the Registrar and the staff is geared towards assisting him for the successful completion of the tasks involved.
A constant flow of communication and correspondence is maintained with the Academic and Administrative Divisions of the University, University Grants Commission, Ministry of Higher Education, other government institutions, public and private sector and national and international institutions and other stakeholders. No breaks or undue delays are involved in the incoming and outgoing correspondence at the office. All visitors and callers are assisted in the maximum way possible.
The overall task of the Office of the Registrar is the accomplishment of the Mission and Vision of the University, and more precisely, the Vision of the Registrar to “provide consistent high quality student-centered services with a caring and motivated staff while facilitating the needs of the University”.
Registrar Office Staff
Past Registrars

Mr. G Piyarathne
Period of Service:01.04.2013 – 27.03.2016
Acting Period:28.03.2016 - 01.11.2017

Mr. E M G Ekanayake
Period of Service:01.02.2008 – 17.02.2013
Acting Period:18.02.2013 - 31.03.2013

Mr. R M B Muthubanda
Period of Service:03.03.2003 – 31.01.2008