Special Notice in connection with the below advertisement
The Pre- Bid Meeting for the Tender of Proposed Building for Information Communication Technology Center at Makandura Premises, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kuliyapitiya
The Pre-Bid meeting of the project of Proposed Building for Information Communication Technology Center at Makandura Premises, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, which was earlier scheduled at the Boardroom of the Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, will now be held via ZOOM due to the Covid – 19 Pandemic situation in the country. Bidders can get the link to the meeting by making a request to the email sarcapitalworks@wyb.ac.lk
It is also informed that the closing date of Bid issue will be extended. The date will be notified once the curfew is removed from the area.

Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Wayamaba University of Sri Lanka
Proposed Building for Information Communication Technology Center at Makandura Premises,
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kuliyapitiya.
(Contract No. WUSL/CW/2014/02)
- The Chairman, Ministry Procument Committee on behalf of the Vice Chancellor, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the above work.
- Bidding will be conducted through National Competitive Building Procedure, Design& Build type
- The eligible bidders shall comply with the following qualification criteria: Grade C3 or above of the CIDA registration in Building Constructions.
- Bids should be submitted on the forms which can be purchased from 00 am to 3.00 P.m from 19/10/2020 up to 03/11/2020 on the submission of the receipt for a nonrefundable payment of LKR 35,000 /= to the Shroff of Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
- you may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the bidding documents at the office of the Senior Assistant Registrar, Capital Works Division, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.(Tel: 037-2283620) during office hours up to 03/11/2020
- Bidding Documents may be inspected free of charge at the same place given 4 above.
- Bids shall be valid up to 24/03/2021.
- All bids must be accompanied by a bid Security of LKR One Million Eight Hundred Thousand only (LKR 1,800,000/=), which should be obtained either from a reputed Commercial Bank operating in Sri Lanka registered under Central Bank of Sri Lanka or from the Construction Guarantee Fund (CGF), valid up to 23/04/2021. The Bid Security Should be “on – demand” and “unconditional” and on the format given in the bidding document.
- Sealed bids shall be deposited in the Tender Box at the office of the Director (Procurement), Ministry of Education, No.18, Ward Place, Colombo 07
- The Total Contract Period (Design & Construction) is 18 calendar months and the Total Project cost of Design & Building (Excluding VAT) is 192 Million.
- Pre Bid meeting will be held on 10.00 a.m., 05/11/2020 at the Boardroom of the Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
- The deadline for submission of bids will be 11.00 a.m., on 22/12/2020 and will be opened soon after the closing.
- Bidders or their authorized representatives are requested to be present at the opening of the bids.
Vice Chancellor
Wayamba University of Sri Lanka.
Date : 19/10/2020