"Excellence is Not an Accident"
Snr Prof. Udith K. Jayasinghe
Senior Professor and the Chair of Agribusiness Management
B.Sc. (Agric.) (First Class Hons) [Peradeniya], M.Sc. (Agric. Econ.) [PGIA, Peradeniya], PhD (Guelph, Canada),
Post Doc Fellow (Massachusetts, USA; Monash, Australia), Post. Grad. Dip. (Teacher Training & Edu. Mgt.) [IITM, India]
Dip. Mass Media & Com.(Colombo), Dip. Busi. Mgt.(Scranton, USA)

The Acting Vice-Chancellor
Dr. Sanjeewa Bowatte
Dean and Consultant Physician, Faculty of Medicine, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
Member, Royal Colleges of Physicians of London and United Kingdom
Member, American College of Physicians
Councillor, Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine
Associate Member, Ceylon College of Physicians
Senior Prof. Udith K Jayasinghe was appointed as the 6th Vice-Chancellor of the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka (WUSL) and he assumed duties on 08 September 2020. He holds the posts of Senior Professor and the Chair of Department of Agribusiness Management, Faculty of Agriculture & Plantation Management of the WUSL and carries an excellent track record as an academician, researcher, expert consultant and social worker. Prof. Jayasinghe has taken up the challenge of steering the WUSL to greater vistas in the face of the current world crisis. His vision is to make it the “Best National University Focusing on Undergraduate Education”.
Here is what he elaborates as the Vice-Chancellor of the WUSL ……
I believe that by providing the right leadership in terms of goal setting, planning and organizing and wise use of resources etc., and by way of a collective effort, we can produce the “Wayamba Graduate” that we have been dreaming of for a longtime, who possesses an expert ‘Knowledge’ and multiple ‘Skills’ and positive ‘Attitudes’ with the right ‘Mindset’,
i.e. the most sought-after attributes of quality of a graduate by prospective employers….
With this goal in my mind, I am in the process of making significant changes in the methods of teaching and to the academic environment, which is essential to
ensure productive teaching-learning and assessment-based methodologies and technologies and inclusive educational strategies. An enriched academic environment with the creation of new, and by transforming the existing, academic / professional programs to
‘Outcome-Based Student-Centered and Employment Oriented’ ones, we will be in a position to create the pathway for producing the unique ‘Wayamba Graduate’…..
At this crucial point of time, I firmly believe that incorporation of
Virtual / Online Teaching-Learning Methodologies into the curriculum with
right types of Formative and Summative Assessments and stepping into the
sphere of ‘Digital Information-Education-Communication’ is a must to step into the future.
In so doing, the Blended and Experiential Learning and Efficient Administrative Process
should be fully supported by bringing such “outfits” into the
process of Education and Communication.
I wish to emphasize at this juncture that it is not the ‘quantity’ but the ‘quality’ of services offered to the key stakeholders that will judge the success of the
processes of teaching-learning and administration …