The Vice-Chancellor
Snr Prof. Udith K. Jayasinghe
Senior Professor and the Chair of Agribusiness Management
B.Sc. (Agric.) (First Class Hons) [Peradeniya], M.Sc. (Agric. Econ.) [PGIA, Peradeniya], PhD (Guelph, Canada),
Post Doc Fellow (Massachusetts, USA; Monash, Australia), Post. Grad. Dip. (Teacher Training & Edu. Mgt.) [IITM, India]
Dip. Mass Media & Com.(Colombo), Dip. Busi. Mgt.(Scranton, USA)
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The Acting Vice-Chancellor
Dr. Sanjeewa Bowatte
Dean and Consultant Physician, Faculty of Medicine, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
Member, Royal Colleges of Physicians of London and United Kingdom
Member, American College of Physicians
Councillor, Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine
Associate Member, Ceylon College of Physicians
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Office of the Vice-Chancellor
The Vice-Chancellor is the Principal Executive Officer, Principal Academic Officer and the Accounting Officer of the University and also the ex-officio Chairman of the Council and the Senate. Administrative, secretarial, technical and other assistance and support is extended by the staff of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor to carry out the duties in all these roles for the maximum benefit for all concerned. All aspects of teaching and learning, research, outreach activities, welfare, discipline, entrepreneurship, career guidance etc. of all students and staff are carried out under the guidance of the Vice-Chancellor and the staff is geared towards assisting him for the successful completion of the tasks involved.
A constant flow of communication and correspondence is maintained with the academic and administrative divisions of the university, University Grants Commission (UGC), Ministry of Higher Education, other government institutions, public and private sector and national and international institutions and other stakeholders. No breaks or undue delays are involved in the incoming and outgoing correspondence at the office. All visitors and callers are assisted in the maximum way possible.
The overall task of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor is the accomplishment of the Mission and Vision of the University, and more precisely, the Vision of the Vice-Chancellor to make the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, the “Best National University Focusing on Undergraduate Education”
Vice-Chancellor Office Staff

Mrs. H.M.D.S. Ekanayaka
Assistant Registrar (Personal Secretary)Telephone:0776986928 / 037 2282758

Mr. W.A.R. Wijesuriya
Staff Technical Officer Grade

Mrs. CMHKK Chandrasekara

Mr. H. P. S. T. Jayampathi
Lab Attendant (Lower Grade)Telephone:+(94) 070 556 1870

Mrs. L. P. N. Dilrukshi
Works Aide (Grade III)Telephone:+(94) 71 959 6494