WayaMart an exclusive novel entrepreneurial concept molded by Wayamba University of Sri Lanka (WUSL) to empower students’ entrepreneurial capacity was officially declared opened on 4th April 2021 by the Chief Guest, the Vice-Chancellor of WUSL, Senior Prof. Udith K. Jayasinghe.
The WayaMart provides a platform to showcase the prototype products developed by the students and get hands on practical experience on entrepreneurship.
The WayaMart was established by activity 3: “Investing in change towards budding entrepreneurs”, ELTA-ELSE DP project of the Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries & Nutrition (FLFN), and it is also the central platform that links students’ academic modules for entrepreneurship, student clubs, the WUBIC, University Business Linkage (UBL), and Innovation and Service Support Centre (ISSC). Launching of WayaMart also marks the successful completion of the practical assessment of “CGU 3221 Entrepreneurship Development” course on the 4th April 2021.
Hurry! Hop into the WayaMart as you pass by the Makandura Premises of the WUSL and enjoy the range of products and services offered by our young business minds.
For further details on WayaMart please contact:
Naveen Dharmasiri
Project Assistant
Tel: +94 716306781
Email: officeelta.flfn@wyb.ac.lk